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After School Education & Safety ASES

Our ASES program is available for 2nd through 6th grade students. 
Enrollment is limited in the ASES Program. The ASES Program collaborates and integrates with the regular school day and other extended learning opportunities while providing a safe physical and emotional environment, opportunities for relationship building, and promotion of active student engagement through:

  • An educational and literacy element
  • An educational enrichment element

The educational and literacy element includes tutoring and/or homework assistance designed to help students meet state standards in one or more of the following core academic subjects: language arts, mathematics, history and social science, science, or computer training.

The educational enrichment element offers an array of additional services, programs, and activities that reinforce and complement the regular academic program to support positive youth development. Enrichment activities are designed to enhance the core curriculum.

The program does not discriminate on basis of sex, gender, sexual orientation, ethnic group identification, race, ancestry, national origin, religion, color, or mental or physical disability in determining which children are served.

Hours of Operation
ASES program operates every regular school day, even if there is a “minimum day” schedule.
The program begins as soon as the school day is over, and ends at 6:00 p.m. There are no ASES program services on holidays or any other non-school days. 

Attendance Policy
Elementary school students must participate in the full program every day that it is in operation. Middle school students must participate at least nine hours per week and three days per week. Priority for enrollment shall be given to students who attend daily. 

ASES Application

Duirng the summer. all applications must be submitted to the Csatro Plaza Family Resource Center. All appilcations will be reviewed and notified by Friday, August 3 if accepted or placed on the waiting list for the upcomng 2018-2019 school year. 

 ASES Open Enrollment English Application

ASES Open Enrollment Spanish Application

Castroville Elementary School  
ASES Coordinator: Vanessa Martinez
ASES/Kid Zone Teacher: Sofia Cruz
11161 Merritt Street
Castroville, CA 95012
831 633-5980 

The ASES program hours are:
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday - 2:37PM-6:00PM
Wednesday - 12:45PM-6:00PM